#egconf after hours ? from DWK http://t.co/S9UAmRraQb with @SimonCoronel & and a cast of many. #OnlyAtEG @loa

John Aldridge Lobsterman

Elise Andrew I f*ing Love Science

Paula Apsell NOVA Diva

Stephen Berkman Artist & Photographer

Sakchin Bessette Co-founder and Creative Director, Moment Factory

Stewart Brand Writer & De-Extinguisher

Michael Carbonaro Actor & Magician

Angel Chang Womenswear Designer

Terry Crane and Erica Rubinstein Circus Artists

Yogi Daniel Contortionist

Arthur Drooker Photographer

Giles Duley Photographer

Jill Dumain Patagonia

Danny Ferrington Luthier

Raquel Fisk Musician

Eliot Fisk Guitarist

Brendan Foley Marine Archaeologist

Dick Fosbury Olympic High Jumper, Civil Engineer

Abby Ginzberg Documentarian

Theo Gray Science Author & Software Artisan

Ford Hallam Metal Artist

Andrew Hessel Scientist

Carl Hoffman Author & Traveler

Tom Hugh-Jones Wildlife Cinematographer

David Hume Kennerly Photographer

Jamie Hyneman Mythbuster

Tim Jenison Inventor and Ersatz Painter

Susan Kare Iconic Graphic Artist

Chip Kidd Designer & Writer

Mark Liponis & Siobhan McNally Doctors

Max Maven Mystery Theorist & Magician

Alexa Meade Painter, Artist, & Visual Engineer

Doug Menuez Photographer

Peter Menzel & Faith d'Aluisio Photojournalists

Chris Nicola Spelunker

Nina Paley Cartoonist / Quilter

Ross Piper Zoologist

Bob Richards Space Entrepreneur

Marion Ross Actress

Tim Rowett Gizmologist

Ernő Rubik Architect & Inventor

Albie Sachs Judge, Human Rights Activist

Peter Sagal Author & Radio Quizmaster

Norman Seeff Photographer, Filmmaker, Healer

Mark Siddall Leech Expert

Jill Sobule Singer, Songwriter, Guitarist

Tony Trischka Banjo Virtuoso

Bret Victor Toolmaker

Nadejda Vlaeva Pianist

Bruce Weber Reporter and Obituary Writer

Michael Wright Antikythera Resurrector

EG8 - Only @ EG
“Cards & Strings” feat. Simon Coronel, Philip Sheppard & Charles Yang

Guitar & violin played by their makers in a duet! #egconf http://t.co/LBQFE6z5mz

Guitar & violin play JS Bach together. Eliot Fisk & Charles Yang. Only at #egconf http://t.co/s2GAkbXqBz

Holy wow. An encore of the magic we stumbled across the other night. Eliot Fisk, Charles Yang and Bach. #egconf http://t.co/1GJQwQFFP6

wow what an amazing ending of #egconf @eliotfisk and @charlesyang Bach duet!! http://t.co/2HxFJhki0M

Late night jam session with @EliotFisk & Charles Yang. #OnlyAtEG http://t.co/wcV05gpyCu
Guitarist @eliotfisk's hands are a blur at #egconf #eg8 http://t.co/Z9sxFNsrA6
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And now master guitar player Eliot Fisk bringing me to tears. What a way to close out EG. #egconf http://t.co/fiorutrQ7B
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Danny Ferrington, master guitar maker, jamming with world renowned violin maker, Sam Zygmuntowicz. #egconf http://t.co/XKoRIhQPmD
Great things happen at EG ? Tango for Tango by @PhilipSheppard http://t.co/g4WaHXSz9L #OnlyAtEG

"Elvis would not play a Yamaha" - Danny Ferringon to Andy Kauffman before he debuted his Elvis impression #egconf http://t.co/0EKCHkSeXF
Henry Kaiser's guitar made by master luthier @DannyFerrington with dinosaur inlay at #egconf. http://t.co/s4nm1bO9rn

Henry Kaiser's guitar made by @DannyFerrington with #dinosaur inlay at #egconf. @AMNH @siddall http://t.co/hNzlQRtp08

Master luthier @DannyFerrington. Photo by Michael Rubin at #egconf. http://t.co/IJVkkA9CFG http://t.co/ZNBxzGIt3q

David Hume @Kennerly by Michael Rubin at #egconf. http://t.co/02Gk5Egwly
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@SimonCoronel Brilliant, Simon. Much funny. #RubiksCubeOralDexterity #egconf #onlyatEG

International Illusionist @SimonCoronel http://t.co/FRw37gtLWB Photo by Richard Kerris at #egconf. http://t.co/cRSpx7Ftre

brilliant violinist Charles Yang in limo to SFO from EG Conference #egconf #art #ontheroad #classicalmusic #iphoneonly #documentary #bw

The fabulous Marion Ross being interviewed by her equally fabulous son, Jim Meskimen, at #egconf. http://t.co/9ZHZx0mlBc
Mrs C (Marion Ross) on stage with her son @JimMeskimen (not Richie) right now live at http://t.co/fTu6xLZlg7 #egconf

"Painters, like designers & magicians, know a good trick when they see one." - @chipkidd #egconf http://t.co/EK8kNGyMZc

You jumped how high?! Me with the awesome Dick Fosbury, 1968 Gold Medal High Jump. #egconf http://t.co/3k90A4mhoS

With @chipkidd at #egconf Inspiring talk on Bat-Manga! http://the-eg.com

Enjoying a beautiful day in Monterey #egconf discussing #merkins with the not really that Insufferable @petersagal http://t.co/LhFxiESPVk
Thank you #egconf #partner @the20wines - Premium wines in innovative casks http://t.co/zMfM6gjdH0

Sakchin Bessette, Co-founder Moment Factory & #egconf presenter. http://t.co/U8nTdiiAU7 http://t.co/sUpyECJ5aU

This year's @EG conference is the bomb! #egconf @SusanKare http://t.co/jlh7o6sXSn
Ludicrous to think of dangers of crack vs smack in terms of natural vs synthetic! @TheodoreGray #egconf #PowerOfPoison @AMNH

Another pic of '68 Olympic gold medalist high jumper, "Fosbury Flop," originator Dick Fosbury #egconf http://t.co/dYesmujRp3

Gray Matter: In Which I Play With White Phosphorus http://t.co/Hy2Zu1v9bP with @TheodoreGray at #egconf. http://t.co/d5LHCDrDtb
One break left until I do my thing at #egconf. Nerves are kicking in. @eg
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The Fabulous Flying Karamazov Brothers perform today at EG Conference in Monterey #egconf http://t.co/XvjoUjwRx6

Cy listening to Charles Yang and Eliot Fisk rehearsal #egconf

So inspired by how @chipkidd discovered Jiro Kawada's BatManga -& brought it back to life! #egconf http://t.co/MoZXFYQeK9
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"So Lord Death Man is a villain who has ability to die..." - Chris Kidd on the Batman Mangas from the 60's #egconf http://t.co/RMXhoRccTD
So many great ?N ideas have been had by @SusanKare - never ?Q !! #egconf

Susan Kare on the Mac OS bomb dialog: they said no one would ever see it, so I designed for irrelevant. #egconf http://t.co/tFjJEPqdPn
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Creator of this and the bomb @SusanKare bringing down the house #egconf live at http://t.co/fTu6xLZlg7 http://t.co/hbRSB7LQvy

The Icon Lady @susankare talking about designing the original #Macintosh icons... #egconf http://t.co/lcQcptM8tb

Master luthier Danny Ferrington waits to go onstage at #egconf Dany made guitars for Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings and all the greats #countrymusic #art #iphoneonly #instabest
Susan Kare, Chip Kid, Theo Grey speaking now at EG. Watch free live stream http://t.co/iarVcmBGAy #egconf
"In Korea, eagle, chicken, same. We eat that." Yogi Daniel #egconf
Chris Nicola's Exploration - Dig Deeper - No Place On Earth http://t.co/bxcCKLXtru #egconf

Thank you #egconf #Partner STUDIO KUDOS: Branding,Interactive, Editorial, & Exhibition Design http://t.co/dB21Rq87aE http://t.co/QAw0kc2gmU
My favorite line of the day, so far. "In Korea eagle and chicken are the same, we eat them." - Yogi Daniel #egconf
Thank you #egconf #Partner @Autodesk | 3D Design, Engineering & Entertainment Software http://t.co/mH4IPS1HHz

Listen here: Dottie?s Charms, by @JillSobule | Harper's Magazine http://t.co/vAXtdLjq2p #egconf http://t.co/GIVKU9Z5OP
Every #EGconf when @jillsobule plays, it's like that wonderful treat a chef brings to your table and fills your heart.

@jillsobule entertains! #egconf http://t.co/PFhE0ZE641
"worst highjumper in my school ... lots of room for improvement" - Fosbury at #egconf with @petersagal live at http://t.co/fTu6xLZlg7

Olympic gold medalist Dick Fosbury "flop" talks to Peter Sagal #egconf http://t.co/tiD7shVwVO

@drliponis: @DickFosbury1 talks at #egconf #fosburyflop http://t.co/GgtUUUIpBz
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Thanks to #egconf #partner @NVIDIA - World Leader in Visual Computing Technologies http://t.co/X1BVHE0xmH
Wow fascinating talk about Priests Cave and the holocaust by @chrisnicola #egconf

Irrepressible lives here at the #egconf @gilesduley http://t.co/JZgf9KzOzv
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All EG Tweets being captured in Teletype by @teletweety. You know, for posterity. #egconf http://t.co/uv654wwx4H
You did say your thighs had become 'a thing' RT @petersagal: @AutumnSakai Stop objectifying me. #onlyatEG

@yogidaniel #egconf seriously?? http://t.co/WHuohTTpRw
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"Reach for the sky!" #EGconf @drwave http://t.co/lUVo8Lhkfn

Musical hijinx @ last night's mezzanine party w/ Charles Yang, Danny Ferrington, Jon Luini & more! #egconf #OnlyAtEG http://t.co/iPk0jEUWlm

Hungarian innovation! :-) PRT @autodesk Happy 40th Bday Rubik?s cube. 43 quintillion wrong ways, 1 solution. #egconf http://t.co/MfwmoyC7Q8
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Thanks to #egconf #partner Panasonic - TVs, Cameras, Headphones, Appliances, & more http://t.co/mh3xdnepNn
Thanks to #egconf #partner @Cisco Systems, Inc http://t.co/XY0eP8bxV5
Thank you #egconf #partner Kestenbaum, Dannenberg & Klein, LLP: http://t.co/Mqb08jkaVs
Between all the food and the 8 hours of sitting each day, I gotta say, I'm looking forward to good long run when I get home. #egconf
Final day of @eg kind of sad I've enjoyed my first journey! #egconf
I am an evil mastermind! (at least, after having inhaled sulfur hexafluoride) #egconf #eg8 @ e.g. 8? http://t.co/Xb1QYL6lMu
Inimitable #egconf late night in the mezzanine:) https://t.co/e4LS77R7QI

Caption suggestions welcome. @eg @theleechguy @lshufro #egconf #OnlyAtEG http://t.co/AHh2dDforC

I am an evil mastermind! (at least, after having inhaled sulfur hexafluoride) #egconf #eg8
#egconf, After Dark - After Hours on Vimeo http://t.co/sZc3BWSXR8
"Cards & Strings" feat. @SimonCoronel, @PhilipSheppard & Charles Yang http://t.co/q3e2lDJzXL #OnlyAtEG

MT @AmyGSFN: Oh you know, just @Bob_Richards, founder of Moon Express, & me posing w/ their model lander. #egconf <3 http://t.co/ffvodSsXQd

Ren Ng, inventor of the Lytro camera unveils their newest camera which includes a lightfield sensor. #egconf http://t.co/WVW5Fl5IRQ
Who knew acrylic could be so versatile and so fascinating? Thanks @alexameade #egconf

The work of @AlexaMeade, reality-bending artist & #egconf presenter http://t.co/DH3nDzhfjI via WIRED http://t.co/eWoruYzNJs
Breaking in #egconf: "erno, rubik" (8 tweets and 1 instagrams): http://t.co/Pu6dZU94sc
Erno Rubik: "The popularity of the cube suggests something hopeful to me... that we are not so... .... stupid" #egconf
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Erno Rubik with a Rubik's cube #egconf #eg8 @ e.g. 8 conference http://t.co/cKusFWuqlh

"@autodesk: Happy 40th B'day Rubik's cube. 43 quintillion wrong ways, only 1 correct solution. #egconf http://t.co/E5fkINTlYB"

Happy 40th B'day Rubik's cube: "To me, play is a very serious activity." Erno Rubik #egconf http://t.co/Mx9oeRWE7V
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In the same room as Erno Rubik. Blown away at #EGconf http://t.co/VJUSNvq024
"Questions are more important than the answers". Erno Rubik, Rubik's Cube inventor. #egconf And this is why my kids go to @SFBrightworks.

Happy 40th B'day Rubik's cube. 43 quintillion wrong ways, only 1 correct solution. #egconf http://t.co/pnk1Nx6fje
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Matt Groening , Amy Tan & Jack Kennerly #egconf today http://t.co/n5t1Q26lJ1
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Thank you #egconf #Partner @AUTODESK, donating software to nonprofits that use design to solve epic challenges. http://t.co/7BCpsNsab0
Thanks to #egconf #partner @the20wines - Premium wines in innovative casks http://t.co/pLWiBRqVBs
Beyond Ern? Rubik's Cube: inside the competitive world of speedcubing http://t.co/XzX6DFiFVV #egconf
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Thanks to #egconf for introducing me to "Tiny Worlds" http://t.co/c8AmByaBMQ

Albie Sachs #egconf "I do not like to be called a hero. That's a sandwich you get in New York" #softvengeance movie http://t.co/z3krM5V3BY
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Thank you #egconf #partner @Steelcase http://t.co/i3S891jbTV http://t.co/J17T7fMji4

#egconf after hours. Photo by Michael Rubin. Watch the talks via Live Stream: http://t.co/TVmdhYQ2OW http://t.co/mRj0ptdku4

Peter Menzel & Faith D'Aluisio "Manufacturers have responsibility to make packaging recyclable as possible" #egconf http://t.co/4cPrkG9otN

Jack Kennerly and I today in Asa Mathat's photo #egconf http://t.co/RxV8utdfwQ
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Doug Menuez talks Jobs and his book "Fearless Genius" today at #egconf in Monterey http://t.co/SfkvsDMI20
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Peter Menzel & Faith D'Aluisio at #egconf. Their work in Smithsonian online http://t.co/0lyj1Mvibm http://t.co/rCHK7MfOlG
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The work of @AlexaMeade, reality-bending artist & past #egconf presenter http://t.co/WxSuj3WY2T via WIRED http://t.co/Y6t0h4P1Ub
Thanks to #egconf #Partner @AUTODESK - Launching @AutodeskFdn for those who design for an impact: http://t.co/ut9Poa1OfC
Yogi Daniel squeezes himself into a box! #egconf #eg8 @ e.g. 8 conference http://t.co/dtGcLUaUNy
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At Home with #egconf speaker Roz Chast : on dread and panic, in The New Yorker http://t.co/KyIWE6mWf2

Bruce Weber @nytbruceweber author of "Life Is A Wheel" & obit writer. #egconf http://t.co/i9WocEuhPO

Ever wonder how the antikythera device worked? Things you might see at #egconf http://t.co/1Oqc26cw29

Good article! - ?@Steelcase: #egconf attendees: grab 360 Magazine to see latest on #wellbeing in the workplace! http://t.co/yFNE5HznjF?

Photo of @ApolloRobbins by Asa Mathat at EG. You can LIVE STREAM #egconf NOW at http://t.co/TFgUNEs4f4. http://t.co/jCRFUp2mHe
Thank you #egconf #partner @AllPopArt | Photos on canvas | Custom pop art portraits http://t.co/vmwVCQPsen

Watch out for @Apollo Robbins : The New Yorker http://t.co/OscVoAJwur Photo by Tango at #egconf. http://t.co/xYue5bMnE6

In Which I Fully Submerge My Hand in Liquid Nitrogen http://t.co/pC5L0LaLQG Mad Scientist @TheodoreGray at #egconf. http://t.co/oWMXMd1mje
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Oh you know, just Bob Richards, founder of MoonExpress, & me posing w/ their model lander. #nerds #egconf <3 http://t.co/Z1wZNgcOaU
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Thank you #egconf #partner http://t.co/Q9Acmw2ZFp - Posters, Art Prints, Framed Art, & more http://t.co/qwjoSFgzcH http://t.co/q7VeZtFpQl

#egconf attendees: grab a free 360 Magazine to see the latest research on #wellbeing in the workplace! http://t.co/tjYNGDWVhw

Listen here: Dottie?s Charms, by #egconf presenter @JillSobule | Harper's Magazine http://t.co/ua4LSUEsTL http://t.co/wgv1ShnwkA

#egconf @Bob_Richards: "with H2O, the moon is a gas station in the sky." http://t.co/vhF1yKDpds
"Inventing new technology is ridiculously hard. But you don't need to be a genius. You need to be fearless." Doug Menuez #egconf @automatic

Doug Menuez: Who will be the next Steve Jobs and where will she come from? #egconf http://t.co/FYXHYQ5ECr

#egconf after hours. Photo by Michael Rubin. Watch today's talks via Live Stream: http://t.co/TVmdhYQ2OW http://t.co/QGX2JPiRSM
Hey to Monterey @teletweety! I just got washed by a thunderstorm. Now watching talks on climate change!! Enjoy #egconf!

Stewart Brand #egconf case for de-extinction "I don't think pigeons are going to pluck lawyers off toilets" Ben Novak http://t.co/9l8DVcsSuI
@teletweety Do digital typewriters dream of electric sheep? I like your style #egconf - let's play the 100 monkeys game!

We've got some great networking spaces set up at @eg's #egconf! http://t.co/p5xddjW0mz
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.@mythbusters talk at #egconf so explosive, they handed out these http://t.co/owMiZnU08q
KABOOM! Jamie Hyneman takes the stage and the ear plugs go in. #MythBusters #egconf
Earplugs for @JamieNoTweet explosive opening video #egconf @eg
Just stood on Jamie Hyneman's foot. On purpose. This place is great. #egconf
@eg Catch all the social media feeds of #egconf here: http://t.co/yQiDFtaSMO cc @jonathanknowles @AmyGSFN Ty.?

Lookie here! @JillSobule's new album Dottie's Charms is out. And who picked up the 1st copy? @MattGroening4 #OnlyAtEG http://t.co/w3Ji6J8Xls
Let no one mourn this extinction. I shall countenance no requiem for such monsters. #EGconf #guineaworm
Arthur Drooker's brony convention story reminded me of this: http://t.co/t9cIIFdM9h #egconf @eg
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Let no one mourn this extinction. I shall countenance no requiem for such monsters. #EGconf
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Thank you #egconf #partner Panasonic - TVs, Cameras, Headphones, Appliances, & more http://t.co/1IyAVlaj7k
Thank you #egconf #partner @Patagonia Outdoor Clothing, Apparel & Gear for Climbing, Hiking, Surfing, Running, Travel http://t.co/7a36ZXTIxL
.@theleechguy has @lytro pics in South Sudan presentation on guinea worms at #Egconf. First time I?ve seen that not in a preso not by Lytro.

Genetic diversity. Thank goodness for the Frozen Zoo! Stewart Brand at #egconf http://t.co/99xoRjT2WM Watch live http://t.co/1RfxHcu26m

Thank you #egconf #Partner STUDIO KUDOS: Branding, Interactive, Editorial, & Exhibition Design http://t.co/hhNolWVgJg http://t.co/iyHzuvC8jA

#egconf after hours. Photo by Michael Rubin. Watch today's talks via Live Stream: http://t.co/TVmdhYQ2OW http://t.co/iIhIuzLshO

Watch #now my friend @andrewhessel live video at #egconf http://t.co/99xoRjT2WM #synbio @autodesk http://t.co/bn2Y83CWQu
How do leeches inform innovation? Find out in 20 mins when Curator Mark Siddall @theleechguy talks at the #egconf @eg http://t.co/JvR9Hz1Go2
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Easy DIY Gunpowder http://t.co/r3GEaV26zR Popular Science with @TheodoreGray at #egconf. http://t.co/peCe0upuc1

Thanks to #egconf #partner @Steelcase http://t.co/yIR7jde72J http://t.co/OCKN5dWok3

Thank you #egconf #Partner @AUTODESK | 3D Design, Engineering & Entertainment Software http://t.co/RF5PAnqnAo http://t.co/oaVmRmjm4Y

#egconf attendees: grab a free 360 Magazine to see the latest research on #wellbeing in the workplace! #sctw
What a beautiful morning for another day of inspiration. #egconf #eg8 @ e.g. 8 conference http://t.co/87FetQ1N0V
Thanks to #egconf #partner HP? | Laptop Computers, Desktops, Printers, Servers, & more http://t.co/6arxurw22u
So cool! Portraits from #egconf including @JamieNoTweet & @tonytrischka http://t.co/KpKAzFChQ8. Free live stream http://t.co/TFgUNEs4f4.
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skydiving via oculus #egconf https://t.co/z7Tcp6UDEE

Looking forward to next session of EG live steam: Life Forms #egconf http://t.co/hjMrfqD9Yp http://t.co/zB7WDo4QFA
Say hello to me! Tweet to @teletweety & 1958 Teletype terminal will display your tweets here in Monterey at #egconf. https://t.co/WdP0KD9xlF
Hurry up then! RT @petersagal: Off to Monterey for @eg. Nobody say anything interesting till I get there. #egconf
Has anyone tweeted from #google #glass to the #egconf teletype?
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Overheard at #egconf "Here I am on Hollywood Boulevard with my pet ape." "So how did the gibbon meet Robert Plant?"

We've got some great networking spaces set up at the @eg #egconf!
Too close for comfort: wrapped in a thousand dollar bill quilt with Mark Siddall @theleechguy #onlyatEG http://t.co/MHD88z1djd
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What a beautiful morning for another day of inspiration. #egconf #eg8

?@eg: Norman Seeff, Photographer, Filmmaker, Healer http://t.co/HZ744tvHb0 is speaking at #egconf this year. http://t.co/p4IDmYxkoS?
@jcalebdon: Eliot Fisk and Charles Yang playing on the sidewalk after the first night of EG... magic #egconf @chazzyang @eliotfisk

Stumbled across a street corner jam session with Charles Yang & Eliot Fisk. #OnlyAtEG #egconf http://t.co/d21BTM1fpf

1st day of #egconf - time to sleep (or not). Crown & Anchor by Tango, w @SimonCoronel & friends. #OnlyAtEG http://t.co/LrtTLMuDVy
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@gilesduley so impressed by your strength and glad the world has your voice in it #egconf
Thank you #egconf #partner @Patagonia Outdoor Clothing, Apparel & Gear for Climbing, Hiking, Surfing, Running, Travel http://t.co/vsMSuZmBRc
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Charles Yang rehearses with Michael Hawley #egconf #eg8 http://t.co/fSDsQ8ADNo
Things are off to a lovely start at #egconf, a fantastic mixture of speakers at a size which still feels intimate and approachable. Chapeau!

Thank you #egconf #partner http://t.co/Q9Acmw2ZFp - Posters, Art Prints, Framed Art, & more http://t.co/qwjoSFgzcH http://t.co/scjPqXUYG7

Is @ajjacobs the older McLovin? RT Photo by Asa Mathat at #egconf http://t.co/3mlJ4E2t3J

Very disturbing! RT @eg: Photo of @ajjacobs by Asa Mathat at #egconf. Free LIVE STREAM here: http://t.co/7f0wgvCKAb http://t.co/FCkg0mqXHM

Thank you #egconf #partner @StoneBrewingCo http://t.co/cXr1MkRXCa http://t.co/YmlSr1VMAl

Thank you #egconf #partner Sony Digital Camera 4K | http://t.co/wCK8OEu7lv http://t.co/013M2Gbmk9

Tim Jenison of "Tim's Vermeer" explains process of recreating a Vermeer masterpiece. #egconf http://t.co/r3Z6knCsuN http://t.co/7ho4nT42l5

Thank you #egconf #partner @Steelcase http://t.co/XXjID3IL9v http://t.co/5PMkg9QqyV

Michael Wright telling the story at #egconf of recreating the Antikythera mechanism. So cool! http://t.co/fs9j4xLmPY http://t.co/S3cQGgByk1
Michael Wright's stunning working model of the Antikythera Mechanism. #egconf http://t.co/oY3ajkJuUt

Michael Wright telling the story at #egconf of recreating the Antikythera mechanism. So cool! http://t.co/fs9j4xLmPY http://t.co/S3cQGgByk1
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With thanks to #egconf #partner http://t.co/Q9Acmw2ZFp - Posters, Art Prints, Framed Art, & more.
Teletweety teletype machine at #egconf @ e.g. 8 conference http://t.co/TioIRvLQ7A
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Teletweety teletype machine at #egconf @ e.g. 8 conference http://t.co/TioIRvLQ7A

Talking with the seals during #egconf break :) in Monterey http://t.co/FhjE3qBKrb

Thank you #egconf #Partner @AUTODESK | 3D Design, Engineering & Entertainment Software http://t.co/ZLsxfnEuA5 http://t.co/wx8Xd4yadP

Photo of @ajjacobs by Asa Mathat at #egconf. Free LIVE STREAM here: http://t.co/TFgUNEs4f4 http://t.co/Br8PV2onl8
Procrastiduction - Being extremely productive at the thing you?re not supposed to be working on. #egconf
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Photo of Adam @Steltzner by Asa Mathat at #egconf. FREE Live Stream: http://t.co/TFgUNEs4f4 http://t.co/uGJfRAKE0C
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Famous Business Poems - Print by #egconf speaker Roz Chast http://t.co/nS4sa8nC4I http://t.co/J2AtTLBw3B
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Tim Jenison, star of the acclaimed documentary from Penn&Teller, is at #egconf today! #TimsVermeer FREE LIVE STREAM http://t.co/FtZUq3YJvk
Invoke the glory-beaming banjo! #MarkTwain #egconf http://t.co/lqwRmWBSeZ
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Invoke the glory-beaming banjo! #MarkTwain #egconf http://t.co/lqwRmWBSeZ
Thank you #egconf #partner @AUTODESK - Unlock good business ideas & further your business: http://t.co/mJf3gtS8cY

Feeling rested like this sealion at the end of Monterey peir this morning. #EGconf about to get intense http://t.co/GXxCivW4ak
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Thank you #egconf partner @Cisco Systems, Inc http://t.co/HvwH92V7OY

Flowers in bloom and a brain food break from Stone Brewing at #egconf.
@eg is livestreaming #egconf now! anyone who likes #tedtalks will love EG. http://t.co/POg9YVOY6Z
@eg is livestreaming #egconf now! anyone who likes #tedtalks will love EG. http://t.co/D7XrBmuI7o
@eg is livestreaming #egconf now! anyone who likes #tedtalks will love EG. http://t.co/D7XrBmuI7o
@drclearly tweeting to a teletype. Is that like calling a slate tablet? #egconf
Thank you #egconf #partner @NVIDIA - World Leader in Visual Computing Technologies http://t.co/hoXrPLVUND
Thank you #egconf #partner @NVIDIA - World Leader in Visual Computing Technologies http://t.co/hoXrPLVUND
#egconf heading over shortly just a quick nibble to fuel those brain cells.

Inside a 1958 Teletype machine. It's typing tweets from the #egconf So awesome! http://t.co/bgrqk4Pqk7
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Thank you #egconf #partner HP? | Laptop Computers, Desktops, Printers, Servers, & more http://t.co/w6nYDq3N8W
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Don't try this! Photo by Autumn Sakai at #egconf last year. http://t.co/TFgUNEs4f4 @donttrythis http://t.co/PGiwLy4Nq4
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Thank you #egconf #partner @AllPopArt | Photos on canvas | Custom pop art portraits http://t.co/cbQUrmDp43 http://t.co/swtpHU2fQU

Old meets new at EG8. Teletype that prints tweets with #egconf hashtag. http://t.co/hXSqUWgGdK
Thanks to #egconf #partner @the20wines - Premium wines in innovative casks http://t.co/uQjhn0It9d
In Monterey where they surf under the pier- speaking tomm. re Fearless Genius #egconf - big fun!? http://t.co/ppjHTQ9sU7

The #egconf lobby is ready to be filled with hundreds of brilliant, buzzing minds. http://t.co/Fu9RHCOW9H

The #egconf lobby is ready to be filled with hundreds of brilliant, buzzing minds. http://t.co/Fu9RHCOW9H

Thanks to #egconf #Partner @AUTODESK ? http://t.co/aI1HBonTbD http://t.co/EEg66kns7k

Michael Wright's stunning working model of the Antikythera Mechanism. #egconf

Attendees are starting to arrive & registration is open! #egconf http://t.co/0w6XrPHNed
View from the Bay early this morning in Monterey. #egconf http://t.co/kZW6n7q9TZ

@mjhawley and @tonytrischka play an unusual and fun duet #egconf

One of my favorite things about #egconf: not a single open screen in the audience.

Kicking off #egconf w/ a volunteer breakfast & inspiring talk from @mjhawley. Let's do this! http://t.co/Pq1biqwNrw

Best breakfast in Monterey. #egconf http://t.co/pzwUOgw1g6
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7:45 am in Monterey. Presentation for #EGconf still not ready! Preparing to purge the panic with pool plunge.

In Monterey where they surf under the pier- speaking tomm. re Fearless Genius #egconf - big fun! #surfing #art #instabest #ontheroad

borderline panic prepping for tomorrow's talk @eg #egconf

This is how excited we are about going to the eg conference today! #egconf
Thank you #egconf #partner @Cisco Systems, Inc http://t.co/HvwH92V7OY
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Thanks to #egconf Partner @Patagonia Outdoor Clothing, Apparel & Gear for Climbing, Hiking, Surfing, Running, Travel http://t.co/RDgFBafhFS
Thanks to #egconf #partner Two Sigma - http://t.co/tVbWlpxOAQ - a scientific approach to investment management.
Back at the Crown & Anchor #egconf http://t.co/ku8PKfyuO8

Arrival in Monterey for @eg! #egconf http://t.co/WJttgEsSKq
Gulls in Capitola. Good to be back in Cali for #egconf. #birds http://t.co/0hLbkWW61A

Gulls in Capitola. Good to be back in Cali for #egconf. #birds
#egconf Pro Tip ?Stay up late. That?s when good stuff happens.? http://t.co/NLOGSuwcvu

Thanks to #egconf #partner Two Sigma - http://t.co/KxrKQMdMpO - a scientific approach to investment management. http://t.co/FCOVhait5u

EG volunteer crew getting warmed up! Dress forms and teletypes and snacks oh my! #egconf #OnlyatEG #rhinoparty http://t.co/rYuIWuTvBB

Thank you #egconf #partner @AllPopArt! Check out these past program books : http://t.co/7goLJFF29Y http://t.co/vaPckTuu8q
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In Capitola where poison-crazed shearwaters gave Hitchcock idea for The Birds #PowerOfPoison @AMNH #egconf http://t.co/Nc4IqrwNax

EG volunteer crew getting warmed up! Dress forms and teletypes and snacks oh my! #OnlyatEG #rhinoparty http://t.co/hHBYBtcacp