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April 12-15, 2012
Monterey, California


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Greg Anderson & Elizabeth Joy Roe Piano Duo

Sandra Bailey Bassoonist

Elizabeth Bonker Poet

Sam Bowser Polar Biologist & Artist

Russell Brown Photographer & Photoshop Wizard

Simon Coronel Magician

John Gaughan Illusion Designer, Magic Historian, Automata Collector

Mark Kelly & Gabby Giffords Astronaut & Congresswoman

Larry Gonick Overeducated Cartoonist

Kina Grannis Singer & Songwriter

Theo Gray Science Author & Software Artisan

Tom Gruber Siri Progenitor

Jonathan Harris Designer and Software Artisan

Lena Herzog Photographer

Paul Hoffman CEO, Liberty Science Center

Jack Horner Paleontologist

Donald Jackson Calligrapher

Henry Kaiser Antarctic Guitarist

Daniel Kim Vehicle Innovator

Sheril Kirshenbaum Science Writer, Director, Project on Energy Communication, UT Austin

Emily Levine Philosopher-Comic

Shuangyi Li Self-Taught Student

Amory Lovins Physicist & Environmental Scientist

Jim Marggraff Inventor, Entrepreneur

Jeffrey Martin Panoramas

Yoky Matsuoka Computer Scientist

Eric Mead Magician

Alexa Meade Painter, Artist, & Visual Engineer

Peter Menzel & Faith d'Aluisio Photojournalists

Jim Meskimen Impressionist

Bob Millard Collector of Scientific Treasures

Ren Ng Inventor and Founder, LYTRO

Peter Norvig Director of Research at Google

Kevin Olusola Cellist

Trey Ratcliff Traveling Photographer

Red (aka Hong Yi) Architect and Unconventional Artist

Clifford Ross Artist

Moshe Safdie Architect & Urban Theorist

Adam Savage Tester, Builder, Mythbuster

Roz Savage Ocean Rower

Brian Selznick Writer, Illustrator, Puppeteer

Philip Sheppard Cellist

Mark Siddall Leech Expert

Scott Simon Novelist, Playwright & Radio Journalist

Gerald Slavet Founder, From the Top

Jill Sobule Singer, Songwriter, Guitarist

Maria Spiropulu Scientist & Experimental Physicist

Neal Stephenson Author & Hacker

Mark Stutzman Illustrator

Jamy Ian Swiss Magician, Mentalist, Sleight-of-hand Maestro

Marco Tempest Cyber Illusionist

Dava Newman & Gui Trotti Designers of Space Suits & Unusual Buildings

Bret Victor Toolmaker

Ge Wang Music Professor

Ellsworth Wareham Cardiac Surgeon

Michael Weber Performer, Miracle Designer

Bruce Weber Reporter and Obituary Writer

Mark Wexler Filmmaker and Photographer

Jeff Wilson Producer, BBC Natural History Unit

Vanessa Woods Journalist, Author and Bonobo Expert

Charles Yang Violinist

Victoria Young Pianist

Chris Young Scientific Chef

Sam Zygmuntowicz Luthier

Gene Driskell

Gene Driskell (2012) presenters 1

Gene Driskell

Gene Driskell (2012) breaks

Gene Driskell

Gene Driskell (2012) presenters 2

Gene Driskell

Gene Driskell (2012) london wall

Gene Driskell

Gene Driskell (2012) presenters 3

Gene Driskell

Gene Driskell (2012) the library


Our team has been working hard behind the scenes to bring you a superb program for EG2020. However, in light of growing and legitimate concerns regarding the rapid spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) which have gutted international events of all sizes, we have made the difficult decision to put EG on hiatus until it is once again deemed safe.

We know how much each of you look forward to EG and we were looking forward to seeing old friends, and welcoming many new ones, but we do need to prioritize the health and safety of our attendees, presenters, and partners, especially those traveling from afar.

We will be in touch in due course with future plans.