Dava: Montana native, MIT professor of aerospace biomedical engineering who designs advanced second skin spacesuits and investigates enhanced locomotion for planetary exploration with applications from cerebral palsy on Earth to loping astronauts on Mars. Former athlete: Notre Dame women’s basketball, Boston marathon, National triathlete, junior Olympics ski racer. First Mate, Navigator, and computer whiz on Galatea circumnavigation. Loves teaching and research, goes by the philosophy of Love-Act-Discover-Innovate. Currently fascinated with how to best teach creativity and leadership, and the synergies between engineering-design-art.
Gui: Born in Argentina, architect/designer, has explored every continent including Antarctica and South Pole where he developed winning concepts the design of the new South Pole Station. Circumnavigated the planet, 36,000 nm on our sailboat Galatea. First architect working for NASA on lunar bases, Mars vehicles, and the Space Station, advisor to National Academies on NASA technology assessment. Passionate about exploration via Sea and Space: designs for human undersea habitats to lunar, inflatable rovers/habs. Currently, designing and building sustainable, eco-resorts and self-sufficient residences in the tropics (and other extreme environments).
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