Peter Dering

Founder, PeakDesign

I started a company called Peak Design, and a non-profit organization called Climate Neutral. I’ve never taken a dime of outside investment, and don’t desire to do so. more

I started a company called Peak Design, and a non-profit organization called Climate Neutral. I’ve never taken a dime of outside investment, and don’t desire to do so. I’m the son of a firefighter and a nurse who really thought he was going to be a professional baseball player despite being a right hander who topped out atan 83 mph fastball. Early signs of being a dreamer. The thing I’m probably best at in life at this point is playing squash. Having said that, I don’t think I’ll ever be better than a 4.7 rated player (the scale goes to 6). This means I’m shirking mediocrity, but not by all that much. I love skiing, mostly for the potential for adrenaline rushes. I find those same adrenal injections happen everyday that I ride my bike in SF with headphones blaring. I find the risk/reward interplay fascinating. I have a daughter who’s almost 8 who’s lived in Chicago since she was 2.  I’ve logged over 1200 hours in the sky on that journey to and fro in an attempt to be a very present father. My Southwest status is my highest outward achievement. Seeing the Pink Floyd Laser Spectacular as a 22 year old in college is one of my most formative experiences to date.  So are the 8 other times I’ve seen this show, including once at the Sunset Center in Carmel. Seeing the Pink Floyd Laser Spectacular on mushrooms and purchasing an inflatable hot tub are on the top of my “things I think people should do” list. I frequently fantasize about running for president, but fear my list of “things I think people should do” will hinder this effort.


Peter Dering, Founder, Peak Design (EG13)


Register for EG 2020.

Our team has been working hard behind the scenes to bring you a superb program for EG2020. However, in light of growing and legitimate concerns regarding the rapid spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) which have gutted international events of all sizes, we have made the difficult decision to put EG on hiatus until it is once again deemed safe.

We know how much each of you look forward to EG and we were looking forward to seeing old friends, and welcoming many new ones, but we do need to prioritize the health and safety of our attendees, presenters, and partners, especially those traveling from afar.

We will be in touch in due course with future plans.