Jon Schull

Grassroots Prostheticist, and Founder, e-NABLE

A biological psychologist, inventor, entrepreneur,human-computer interaction researcher, and digital community organizer, Dr. Jon Schull is the creator of e-NABLE, an online philan more

A biological psychologist, inventor, entrepreneur,human-computer interaction researcher, and digital community organizer, Dr. Jon Schull is the creator of e-NABLE, an online philanthropic community that designs, customizes and fabricates open-sourced affordable 3D-printed prosthetic hands and arms for children and adults with upper limb differences.

In a past life, Schull was the founder of aka DigitalGoods (NASDAQ:DIGS) a seminal digital rights management company. He is the author of 19 patents, and the former director of RIT’s Center for Student Innovation. In his current role as Research Scientist in MAGIC, Schull directs a new initiative in Access and Collaboration Technologies.


Jon Schull, Grassroots Prostheticist, and Founder, e-NABLE (EG9)

Register for EG 2020.

Our team has been working hard behind the scenes to bring you a superb program for EG2020. However, in light of growing and legitimate concerns regarding the rapid spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) which have gutted international events of all sizes, we have made the difficult decision to put EG on hiatus until it is once again deemed safe.

We know how much each of you look forward to EG and we were looking forward to seeing old friends, and welcoming many new ones, but we do need to prioritize the health and safety of our attendees, presenters, and partners, especially those traveling from afar.

We will be in touch in due course with future plans.