Daniel Hashimoto, a DreamWorks animator based in Los Angeles, used his skills to turn his son into a superhero with unfathomably cool powers and gadgets in a series of videos calle ...read more
Daniel Hashimoto, a DreamWorks animator based in Los Angeles, used his skills to turn his son into a superhero with unfathomably cool powers and gadgets in a series of videos called "Action Movie Kid."
"I made them mostly because he is really funny and imaginative," Hashimoto told the New York Daily News. "James doesn't watch TV or movies very much. We play tons of games with him throughout the day."
The clips show little James (from ages 3-8) shift his Lego aircraft into hyperdrive, disappear into a puddle, transform a McDonald's PlayPlace into a rocket, enter the Matrix, turn from Deadpool into Ryan Reynolds, and more.